Background Of The Hrangkhol

The word Hrangkhol is a combination of two words such as Hrang and Khol which means “the Courageous Warrior” and “group gathering”. With this combination, it can be translated as “a courageous warrior staying together or grouped together”. There is also a saying that the Hrangkhols were the people who are courageous than any other tribes. They were known as Ralmaisak which means the people who first face the enemy in the battlefield.

In term of race descendant, the Hrangkhol people claim that they belong to the Mongoloid descent. They are one of the racial groups of the Chin-Kuki-Mizo racial stocks. According to the oral tradition of the Hrangkhol, the existence of human beings (munusi or manmasi) originated from a huge cave or a hole calledKhurpuitabum which is located somewhere in China (as some historians asserted). This place is also known as „Singlung‟ or „Chhinlung.‟ This had close similarity with the oral traditions of China that describes on around 750 AD, there was a Prince named Chhinlung who once disagree with his father on some official matter, then fled with many peoples who happen to be his supporters and established a village named “Awksatang” in Burma (Myanmar). Gradually they flourished and multiplied in numbers but later when he died, his people dispersed in different groups. So, these people who came out from that village were called Chhinlung people. Therefore, these two traditions seem to have close connection in tracing out the past history of the Hrangkhol tribe.

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