Folk Songs


1. Baby, baby weep no more,
Mother shall weave a dark cloth,
Father will ride a horse,
And upon the horse so shall you ride.

2. Clap, Clap, Clap,
Mother gone to carry berries,
Father gone to get the fruits,
Here it hid, there it hide,
Yet none for the babysitter,
For baby swallowed them all.

3. An eagle is swooping down here,
O, granny close the coop now.

4. Mother, Mother away to weed the field,
Rice plants all gobble up by the monkey,
The monkey, monkey then climb up a tree,
The tree, the tree was slashed down by the axe,
The axe, the axe was tuck away on the bamboo wall,
The bamboo wall, the bamboo wall was burnt down by fire,
The fire, the fire was put out by the water,
The water, the water was drank up by the ox,
The ox, the ox then disappear in the mountain,
Let us now say goodbye.

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