Hrangkhol Irphutna -Pg2

Hrangkhol in Tripura: One of the reasons that made the tribes to migrate out from Mizoram was that they could not tolerate the pressures coming from the Pawi and Lushai clans who were once known as very furious fighter. In order to protect their own people and community, they migrated to the plain area of Cachar after which they entered the Independent Hill of Tipera (Tripura).They entered the Independent Hill of Tipera from different areas through South and North district. All through their migration from one region to another, they encountered riot with different tribes but finally they were cooled down by the Tripura Maharaja (King). The Maharaja allowed them to settle in his Kingdom and land revenues were imposed on them.

In the year 1821, the Tripura Maharaja recognized these tribal groups settling in his territory without a Chief of their own and clubs them together as one community basing on the common language they spoke. These tribal groups were known as Baro Halam community. These groups comprises of 12 tribes, namely as follows:

Ranglong, Kaipeng, Molsom, Hrangkhol, Koloi, Rupini, Bawngchar,

Bawng, Saihmar, Sakachep, Thangkachep and Morsephang.

In these 12 tribal groups, the Maharaja appointed several persons for the office that of Kalim, Kabur, Kamsako and Chapia. All these persons had their own responsibility and also to look after over each tribe.

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